Fan99 Hengdian Chinese essay sina blog
Steven came out for the 3rd time.
During the waiting interval, we discovered that Steven took the time to update his weibo! The post was our group photo with him. Steven wrote: All little piggies have safely arrived at Hengdian for their group visit! Thank you for your bouquet of flowers, DVD and message book...of course, most important for your warm affection and your continued support! Thank you to you all!
This weibo entry was truly very moving. Every word brought out tears. Holding on to my phone I read the post repeatedly, and thinking Steven is so nice! Soon, the sky got dark quickly.We all still waiting outside the yellow ribbon. Occasionally, we could hear Steven's voice drifting over. During this time, Ke Le jie came out to chat with us for quite a while. She first inquired our general background and then we chatted about Steven. Ke Le jie was very nice and we all liked her.
At about 5 pm, the sky had become very dark, and Steven came out for the 3rd time!!!. We all rushed over to his side. Steven said: "Your postings, I've read them all. And I will read." Fans said that we spam a lot in his weibo. Steven said: "Your interactive posts, I browse them too. Sometimes I lurked during your chatting. It's interesting!" Steven asked where we were staying. His voice was very gentle, very magnetic. We all said: "Travel Lodge!" "That's quite close...ok, what do you want to aske? Anything to ask?" We kept silent, didn't know what to ask. Finally a fan quietly asked: "4th Brother, where are you going to get married?" Steven asked: "What?" Maybe we all felt that asking personal questions was not too good so we all said: "nothing, nothing". "What? When do I get married?" So actually, Steven did hear it. Fans became a bit embarrassed and Steven said: "Try to do it soon.". Steven asked: "How many have you been to Hengdian?" Some said: First time; others, 2nd or 3rd times. I said: My 1st time, just to meet you! Steven said this is his 3rd time. During our chat, there was this little piggy fan who because of her excitement raised her voice a bit too high, and Steven said: "hush!" After a while, a crew member came to get Steven to do makeup. We all reluctant waved goodbye to Steven. But by this time, we were all feeling very contented already.....
After Steven left, Ke Le jie suggested we leave, and told us to meet at Steven’s hotel for a get-together. We were happy to hear that. And so we said our goodbyes to Ke Le jie. And started to walk out the park. By this time, it had already become pitch black and very quiet. We walked on the empty street and felt the cold, but our hearts were warm, and felt the sweetness that was sweeter than honey.
Once we got back to our hotel, we decided not to have dinner yet because we did not want to eat halfway and have Ke Le jie called us to get over there. So we each went back to our own room to refresh ourselves. I managed to get a few bites on my bread before getting the call to get over there. So I took the presents and we all got ready to leave!
We flagged 3 pedicabs to get us to Steven’s hotel. When we got to the hotel lobby we all found a sofa to sit down. The feeling of sitting down was so comfortable, the sofa so soft, especially having rushed here and there the whole day. But so very happy knowing we’re going to see Steven again.
After a short wait, Steven came down. He was very happy to see us and said “hi” to us. This time he had a different look: a woven cap, an outer jacket with fur lined hood, black pants, and white shoes, and wearing a pair of black frame eyeglasses. Looking energetic and very handsome! I observed closely, Steven’s skin is truly excellent, looking very fair and very delicate so much so can use “delicate as blown glass” to describe his describe his appearance with his blush lips and white teeth, and bright eyes! “Change your appearance, very handsome!” We all exclaimed. “Yeah, changed into leisure clothing!” Steven said. When Steven walked over, fan beside me quickly gave up her seat to Steven. And we all left our seats to surround Steven.

After greeting us, Steven sat down. And then I said: “4th Brother, your appearance look like Sing Wai Seon!”
“Who?” “Look like who?” Steven asked incomprehensibly.
“Your character, Seng Wai Seon. With the black frame eyeglasses!”
The other fans chimed in: “Link to temptations”, “Sing Dai Zong!”
“Oh! Right, right!~~ I normally wear this pair of glasses.”
And then he did some of his classic poses – V pose for us to take pictures. When I noticed the little dimple on his face, I said “little dimple!” Steven laughed and said: “This dimple got squeezed out!” haha!
“So, what’s there to sign? Give!”
Suddenly, Steven saw some pictures that had dropped onto the floor, and picked them up.
He said: O…have dropped ‘me’ on the floor!
“So excited to see the real person so forgot about pictures,” Hui Hui quickly explained.
“Will you post that on baidu? (pointing at Hui Hui’s video recording)
“Really? Good!”
And then Steven told the pictures and books handed to him. I handed over the marker for Steven to sign with.
“Tell me what name you want me to write. What to write on this book?
“Jun Jia Zhen Zhen” 浚家甄甄!”
“Zhen, which zhen?”
I told him it’s the zhen for zhen fu (甄宓 – Ada’s character in Where the legend Begins)
“Donnie Yen’s zhen?” (甄子丹 – yen is Cantonese)
““Donnie Yen’s zhen, how to write the ‘zhen’?
“with a ‘西’ on top, and the bottom is …”
“Everybody, let’s write the name you want on a slip of name,” someone suggested.
Meanwhile I tried to turn of my flash on my camera but didn’t know how so took fewer photos since I didn’t want to over flash on Steven. While signing Steven did not forget to show his concern for us: “When are you leaving? Tomorrow?”
“Should be”
“Leaving tomorrow?”
“The day after tomorrow,” said Hui Hui and others
“I’ll leave right after,” Xiao Fen said.
“You are?” Steven was surprised.
“She lives close by,” we explained.
“Oh, that’s convenient! Why didn’t you bring some homemade dishes for me to eat?”
“Because….next time will bring some for you?”
“I want cart noodles (车仔面),” Steven jested. “There’s none here. Cart noodles is Hong Kong specialty.”
这条微博真的很感动,每一句话都戳中泪点捧着手机读了好几遍,反复念叨着“四哥太好了,太感动了!” 转眼天黑了,小猪们依旧在黄线外等着,偶尔还能听到里面传出四哥的声音。这期间可乐姐出来和我们聊了一会儿,她先问了些大家的基本情况,然后大家有说有笑 的聊关于四哥的话题,可乐姐人很好,大家都很喜欢她。
5点多的时候,天色已经很黑,四哥第三次出来了!!!我们快速围拢到四哥身边,四哥说“你们的留言我都有看呐~我都会看的”然后小猪们就说自己在四哥围脖很水四哥说“你们在互聊的我都有看,我在潜水有时看你们在聊挺好玩的!”四哥又问大家住哪里,他声音好温柔,好有磁性我 们异口同声的说“旅游大厦!”“那还挺近的~~好吧,有什么要问的?有没有什么要问的?”大家沉默了一会儿,不知道该问什么,终于有一只小猪轻声提问了 “四哥,你什么时候结婚啊?”四哥问“什么啊?”大概大家觉得问私人问题不好就连说“没有没有”“什么啊?我什么时候结婚呐?”“原来四哥听到了!”小猪们不好意思了四哥说“尽快吧……”四哥还问“大家第几次到横店啊?”有的说第一次,有的说第二、三次,我说“第一次来,就是看你!”四哥说他是第三次到横店……在说话的过程中,有的小猪抑制不住心中的兴奋说话分贝稍微高了点,四哥就说“嘘~~” 聊了一会儿,剧组的人叫四哥回去卸妆了。我们依依不舍的挥别四哥。这时的我们已经感觉很满足了~~
过了一会儿,四哥下来了,他看到我们就很开心的和大家打招呼“HI~~~。这时的他已经换了一个造型:一个毛线帽,一件带毛帽的厚外套,黑色的裤子和白色 的鞋子,戴了一副黑边框眼镜,很精神,很帅气!我仔细看了下,四哥的皮肤真是好的没话说,很白很嫩的感觉,简直可以用“吹弹可破”来形容,唇红齿白,明眸皓齿!“换造型了!好帅啊!”大家惊呼,“是啊,换了套休闲的!”四哥说。看到四哥过来,我旁边坐着的小猪赶紧让出了她的沙发给四哥。我们也都从自己的位置上站起来围到四哥身边。
四哥和大家打过招呼后坐下来,然后我说:“四哥你的造型好像成伟信喔!”“谁?像谁?”四哥疑惑ing,“你演的角色,成伟信! 黑框眼镜!”其他小猪补充道“诱情转驳”“成大状!”“哦~~对,成律师!~~成大状!对对~~我平时都带这个眼镜的。”接着他摆出经典招牌POS——剪 刀手给大家拍照,看到四哥脸上有个小酒窝,我说“小酒窝!”四哥笑笑说“这是挤出来的!哈哈~~”
“怎么,有什么要签的?”“给!!”小猪说“来!”四哥突然发现地上掉了几张照片,他捡起来说:“(⊙o⊙)哦~~把‘我’掉到地上!”“看见真人太激动 了,所以忘记照片了~~”慧慧解释到。“你这个会放在百度吗?【指慧慧他们拍的视频】”“会!”“真的啊?好!”四哥接过小猪递给他的书和照片,我把准备 好的签名笔递给四哥。他说“要写什么名字你要告诉我哦~~这本写什么呢?”“浚家甄甄!”“zhen是哪个zhen?”我和四哥说甄宓的‘甄’。四哥问: “甄子丹的‘甄’?
”“对!”“甄子丹的‘甄’怎么写?” “上面一个‘西’,下面……”【小猪:把要签的ID写在便签条上】
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