Thursday, February 2, 2012

Maggie Cheung as guest in BOW2

In Book of Words 2011, Steven demonstrates the meaning of a chengyu 耳鬢廝磨 (Chinese idiom - rubbing ear to sideburn) that Maggie fails to act out the chenguy on her partner, Dexter Young. The blush on Maggie's faced is ps by a fan. lol! So cute! Steven and Maggie are very close friends, hence Steven's familiarity toward her.

Goto Maggie Cheung baidu video cache to watch the above scene at 10:58 - 11:40  BOW semi final 正字王爭霸戰(首回合)

Screen caps weibo 颐世倾心QY静


  1. Haha! Truly very cute. I wonder what that chengyu is?

  2. chengyu is 耳鬢廝磨

    goto maggie cheung baidu to watch video see above link
