Thursday, February 16, 2012

one pen ma: Will sure to meet again

Certainly Will Meet Again

Have been in Hengdian for almost 4 months now, very happy! During this period besides my shooting the series would be playing badminton, going to the gym and looking for places to eat with the cast members and colleagues of LOYEF during free time. Truly, this kind of close relationship conversely in Hong Kong is not that many.

This is not hard to explain, while in Hong Kong, once work is done, everybody would probably go home. Of course, can also make arrangement to eat or see each other. But in Hengdian, after work everybody usually goes back to the hotel, so meeting up to eat or see each other later becomes a natural action.  I have always believe that a interpersonal relationship besides time can further develop must also depend on fate. The time spent in Hengdian shooting LOYEF has taught me many new things as well as absorbed many new nutrients; can say quite a gain. But most importantly, I have gotten to know many new friends, both cast and crew.  We all interacted with sincerity, and this is my biggest harvest.

In a blink of an eye, LOYEF is now close to wrapping up production, truly feel unwilling for it to end. Unwilling, because of that people to people genuine relation that is developed over the short 4 months.

Brothers and sisters of LOYEF, we will certainly meet again, for sure!

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