Friday, May 4, 2012

1993 Steven and Sally Yip's Duet for The Evil Cult

 Steven and Sally Yip singing the themesong duet(Mandarin version) for Evil Cult (Kung Fu Cult Master) 倚天屠龍記之魔教教主 starring Jet Li, Chingmy Yau, Sharla Cheung Man.


1993 SM duet with Sally Yip 歡笑之歌 themesong for Jet Li's movie, The Evil Cult.

mrlipskuo @mandarin version utube

youtube uploader:

Related material: One Pen Ma: Couldn't Recognize Sally Yip.

What a pity Steven's singing career never made it big, he sang well in both Cantonese and Mandarin. Guess his personality held him back as a celebrity singer. And of course, the wrath of Leon Lai's fans at Steven's company coined slogan of "He's not ..."

閒閒適適 恩恩愛愛 游游優優 卿卿我我
暮暮朝朝 生生世世 快快樂樂 歡歡笑笑高歌

讓我歌聲 替你唱走你的少年愁
讓你笑臉 趕走苦悶的心魔
為你珍惜 今天今宵今生美麗事

潮海中穿梭 求心花一朵
從此都看破 此後只愛你動人秋波

憐惜 此處此際此刻眼前人
憑歌 歌裡心意流露愛慕多
憐惜我 憐惜我
憐惜 此處此際此刻眼前人
憐惜我 憐惜我