Saturday, December 14, 2013

Steven Ma Opens Work Studio, Will Film Mother's Story

Blurb:  馬浚偉組工作室拍媽媽的故事


Mingpao Weekly edition 2353 headlines

magscan source: Tsui y y 2013-12-14 21:51

Translation of the blurb
After months of negotiation Steven Ma and 北京中港桃園影視傳媒有限公司 finally signed the contract of collaboration on the evening of December 6th in Shenzhen.  Next year January 1st  "Zhong-Xiang Taoyuan Steven Ma Work Studio"「中港桃園馬浚偉工作室」in Beijing will officially commence operations. Zhong-Xiang TaoYuan company will arrange a manager, publicity staff and assistant etc for him.  The company will arrange for Steven to film at least two tv series, one movie, and source new songs for his music album every year. Just for the movie alone, the company plans to invest around 10 to 30 million rmb as capital and development funds for Steven's studio to shoot and plan the movies he wants to film.

Magscan: 2014 January 1st, Steven's studio will officially commence operations in Beijing. Steven will spend both his new year festivals performing on stage -- Foshan on Dec 31 2013, and the US/Canada on Chinese New Year.  TVB has invited Steven to shoot a series but because of time conflict Steven declined. 

So there it is, confirmation of Steven's first directed movie, no surprise there as he had talked about that dream of his quite often in the media.  Happy to know he has the opportunity to realise that dream of his.  Lucky are those who are given the opportunity to realise a dream of theirs, and luckier still are those who can accomplish their dreams to their satisfaction.

It would be really something to behold if Steven can somehow, miraculously, get his 3 'sisters' to portray 3 of his 4 sisters.

Eta from Eunice Lam's blog



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