Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Work Studio Established, Steven Ma Formally Enters Mainland Entertainment Circle

馬浚偉工作室成立 正式進軍內地演藝圈
source: sina news 1/8/2014

Soon after 2014 New Year's day (sic Jan 5th), Steven Ma flew over to Beijing to take care of business for his mainland work studio there.  Year end 2013, (sic registration in effect 1/1/2014) Steven formally established his Zhong-Xiang TaoYuan Steven Ma Work Studio in mainland to develop his music, film and television works there. The purpose of his Beijing trip is to meet with his staff to set up a work plan for the year and to make arrangements for these plans, as well as to pronounce the official opening of his studio for business.

Zhong-Kang TaoYuan Company Chairman, Mr. Huang Hong, expresses: "Our company and Mr. Steven Ma shared a common goal, which is to develop and broaden Steven's music, film and television works. To lay the foundation for Steven to reach his next peak in his artistic career, Zhong-Xiang Tao Yuan Company will go all out to support all his job contracts in mainland, and will also comprehensively and meticulously manage his artistic career in mainland."

As soson as he arrived in Beijing Steven immediately held a staff meeting. During the meeting, Steven not only laid down the rules for his studio operations but also discussed the future development plans for the year. For this trip, Steven also brought along some of his staff members from his Hong Kong Siu Ma (Little Ma) Work Studio to participate in the meeting discussions. Steven expresses:  "The feel of us all sitting down to discuss the details seems more like a family meeting, and so in a congenial atmosphere we set our business plans and ways to implement them."

Allegedly, the first task of Steven's mainland studio this year is to prepare the promo and release of his all new Mandarin music album (tn: Cherish 2) in mainland.  Furthermore, Steven will personally direct the mvs of his new album. Soon after Valentine's Day, Steven's new TVB series, Storm in a Cocoon, will be aired on HK tv, at which time Steven will attend the 1st promo event of the series which will be held in mainland.


Tamaya: Good luck, Steven! Add Oil!

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