Saturday, May 3, 2014

Steven's interview on Pastor Lam's radio talk show

credit wong.helena86 for the audio clips used in my video 

Steven's interview
In addition to the below news report here's a quick summary of the hour long interview.
The interview started with small talks on Steven's recent tvb series, Storm in a Cocoon.  Steven confirms that Poon Ka Yeung did indeed remember Bing Bing.  The talk segues into his nose injury during SIAC filming. When injured Steven's instant reaction was that at least it wasn't his eye that got hurt (because of his old eye injury in 2006), and his 2nd reaction was to ask for a mirror to look at his nose.  As actor, Steven was naturally concerned how the injury would affect his facial appearance. When teased by Pastor Lam that the nose injury at least proved that Steven's nose is natural, the latter is quick to assert that his facial features as well as his whole body are all natural, totally devoid of any plastic surgery or enhancement shots of any kind.

at 11:17 Retelling his mother's cancer; how her fight with cancer totally influenced his mind and attitude and his lifestyle. (turning him into a homebody taking care of his mother) He says his father not only took care of him and sisters but also his sick wife.  Steven says besides his mother he is also greatly influenced by his dad's belief and conduct.  Since his mom has passed away for so many years now, Steven has told his dad that if he wants to find a partner to share his life with, it is ok with Steven and his siblings but Steven knows his dad won't find another woman to replace Steven's mom. Steven still recalls the image of his sick mother holding onto his father's arm slowly walking down a pavement - that was a picture of 'in health and in sickness' of a couple who loved each other  'till death do we part' for life love.  But men of Steven's dad's caliber are hard to come by these days - father who was the sole breadwinner to his family of seven and who stood by his sick wife thru good times and bad times until her death, and even now remains unmarried.

Because of all the health problems that befell on his family from his mother's cancer to his grandmother's passing away a year later to his second sister's having a problematic birth delivery that almost caused his nephew his life to his 2nd sister diagnosed with breast cancer, Steven was angry at God and Heaven, and everything else. What use is God if he is so merciless and cruel?  Steven's emotional and mental anguish greatly impacted his thinking and his conduct. So, why did he change his thinking and embrace Christianity?

Though Cherish2 unlike its predecessor, Cherish, is not a Christian music album it is imbued with Jesus' teachings on love. The songs have their own respective love theme inspired by the various kinds of love between people  - romantic love (I'm getting married), sibling love (Platonic love), familial love (father's love), altruistic love etc than universal love of God for his people.

songs played: Platonic love;  I'm getting married.

The below report is extracted and loosely paraphrased from: metrodaily May 2nd 2014
Gist: Steven is well acquainted with health issues because of his late mom's 22-year battle against cancer to which she finally succumb to.  Even as his mother's illness raged furiously, seriously weakening her health and intensifying her pain and suffering so did Steven becoming more and more withdrawn during that period.  Because of his need to take care of his mother Steven said during that period he was even more homebody than a homeboy. (宅男) His daily living was simple -- work--take care of mom (home or hospital)--work.

Steven also talks about how his father stuck by his mom (Steven's) thru thick and thin all those years, and his attitude and conduct in turn greatly influenced Steven's own views on love.  "It's him who taught me what responsibility is, what 'for life' is, and what "till death do we part" is.

Steven talks about how he started work at an early age to lessen his dad's financial burden on taking care of his family.  Steven is truly a filial son. 

-- notice announcement --
Saturday May 3 2014.  Steven will be on Pastor Enoch Lam (林以諾)'s CRHK Sound of Silence 《靜默的革命》to talk about his parents. (most probably a pre-recorded interview rather than a real time live interview) The program's air time is from 11 pm to 2 am (interrupted by a news bulletin from 12 am - 12:30 am), not sure at what time Steven will be on air for the interview. Go here for instructions on how to listen to the program live.

read related materials under the category: steven's mother ; steven's father;
or search mother, father in the blog.

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