Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Steven Ma as guest in Stephen Chan's tv program

陈志云电台节目众星力挺 马浚伟亮相

新浪娱乐讯 陈志云为电台主持的《命运交响厅分享会》举行活动,畅谈人生阅历,分享成功点滴,席上来宾带走欢乐之余亦带走投资锦囊。

credit: Tungstar


  1. Haha I realised this is the 3rd time Steven wore this blue white shirt for his recent events? I feel he looks especially dashing in this shirt! ♡♡

    1. He obviously felt that too - looking especially dashing in the shirt. lol! What happened to the rest of his wardrobe purchased in his special Korean shopping spree?

    2. Great minds think alike huh haha! I must agree that all the different outfits he bought from his special Korean shopping spree are really dashing but I see he looks the best in this attire while he matches this with the white pants! Like a 白马王子! :P

    3. Now, if he could only do something with his hair, he would look even better.

    4. He should have the same hairstyle as his father's day bus event? That would look nice haha!
