Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yip Ji Yuen - a red rose, Hin-a white rose

Reminds me of a Steven fan's Sits article whereby she uses blood red rose and white rose to allegorize JY and Hin, respectively.

Inspired by her writing, I came up with my own version.
Jiyuen is a wild, blood red rose. Its blossom, glorious in its unbridled beauty; its fragrance, alluring and enticing. The rose is an entrapment to unsuspecting admirers for its beauty conceals an insidious thorny side. Secured in its superiority, the red rose stands tall and haughty, its beauty for all to see. Over endowed, it becomes self-absorbed, self-centered, and self-willed. Suet, never one for flowers, was inexplicably drawn to such sublimity; its exotic beauty awakens in her a full blown passion. She seeks to posses the red rose, and in her naivety, pricks her fingers on its thorns drawing instant blood, and inflicting immeasurable and irrevocable hurt. In return, the red rose is bruised and transformed by her touch. Once bitten twice shy, Suet is now forever changed; her innocence destroyed, her family destroyed, her past destroyed, her life as she knew it, all destroyed. A different kind of passion now burns deep within her heart, where love used to reside, hatred now reigns supreme. However, as time passes, the passion scale of hatred and love mixture slowly but inevitably once again tips towards love. For indeed, the ardent of the red rose cannot be denied.

Hin is a white rose inside a vase. Its beauty, pure and understated. Its fragrance, mild and pleasing. It is tranquil and serene as it stays prop up inside its vase, content to just light up its surrounding with pure beauty and to impart its mild aroma to its appreciators.

The response to the rose allegory from another Steven fan: :thumbsup
To say JY is a blood red rose, might as well say
he is a warm and gentle poison
once taken, the pain is immeasurable
and the poison, irremovable.
and as for Er Shao as a white rose, might as well say
he is like the moonbeam shining on one's bed
cool and clear, its ray of light bringing warmth
to the darkness surrounding oneself.
who could bear to let go of the moonbeam
that brings warmth to oneself?


秦夏君 编辑于:09-01-21 20:56

聂 致远是开放在枝头耀眼的红玫瑰,寒风凛冽中有夺目的血色,血色是别人的鲜血自己的鲜血染成。他生活在一个黑白分明过渡到黑白混沌的世界里,依然娇艳欲滴, 他对世界的倔强,决不屈服,向着任何自己的方向,永远向前不退避。他在窦家寨里的回忆,都是欺骗,唯一他知道真实的是他对胜雪姑娘的一往情深,不论多么深 的仇恨,其实他从未放弃这段情。他对世界依然执着,世界令他反复无常,冷酷中带着冷静的智慧,文武双全是逼人的锋芒。即使风刀霜剑,冰封大地,他依然盛 开。你可以说他虚伪,自私,狡诈都可以,他依然不会改变的强硬下去,就如他一缕深情,改变的是他人生的选择,不变的是他永远的性格。但是他也有最锋利 的刺,隐藏在艳丽芬芳的姿态之下,任何人都有可能被他伤害,爱他的人很多,伤害他被他伤害的人,也很多。不管亲情爱情,刺锋利如刀。胜雪在山寨长大,生命 的花季盛开,看到了枝头艳丽的红玫瑰,心头一喜,倾心的摘下,却被伪装的花瓣之下尖利的刺损伤,满手鲜血,从此记住了痛。但是与此同时,红玫瑰也受伤 了。即使痛,每一次看见伤痕,还是会思念那扑鼻而来的浓香,欲罢不能的爱和痛纠缠在一起。每次见面,都是针锋相对,都是利器相执,都是你死我活,战场 交锋,却知道,爱一直在彼此心里,直到筋疲力尽才承认,已经不能摘下,红玫瑰生机勃勃,越开越艳,夺目枝头,不得不看,不得不爱。

胡 亭轩是装在金色花瓶里,洁白无暇的白玫瑰,即使最俗气的花瓶,也能反映出他动人的白,即使苍白没有血色,依然难忘。他安静的开在自己的世界,却在这样十年 如一日的病床生涯,遇到了生命的曙光,活泼的对生命充满热爱的胜雪打开了他沉默自闭的内心。他才高八斗,聪明绝顶,淡定自若,云淡风清的面对这个即将逝去 的世界。犹如白玫瑰被摘下在清水中,不再盛开,等待凋零枯萎,顾影自怜的凄美。他没有收藏起自己的爱,一点一滴,如涓涓溪流的积累,相处的这些日子,胜雪 已经是一个被爱伤害的女人,但他也一步一步,在她心里扎根。也许这不是激情的爱,但是胜雪对他的依赖与日俱增,那种恋人和亲人之前的迷惑,谁也不想猜透。 两个人安静的走在一起,互相扶持的走过生命的低谷,这样的柔情,假如没有红玫瑰再次耀目的扎着胜雪的眼睛,也许会这么走下去,走到生命的尽头吧?亲情爱情 之间有一个点,很多感情在这样继续中,这个点是永远找不到的。胜雪爱怜的把白玫瑰从瓶中取出,戴在发髻的时候,感激依赖已经注定,取不下它来。直到它 逐渐枯萎,化作尘土滋润着红玫瑰的盛开,才会知道,一朵不得不爱;一朵,想留难留。 (我承认,这段编得好辛苦,要转贴千万别转括号里的)

胜 雪摘下了红玫瑰和白玫瑰,她没有作出选择,没有戴着哪一朵,丢弃哪一朵,她知道自己两朵都不能割舍,红玫瑰的娇艳,白玫瑰的圣洁,永远陪伴。红玫瑰带来最 狂热的爱,最刻骨的恨;白玫瑰带来细腻的眷恋,惋惜的悼念。爱情与柔情,会陪伴着她,勇敢的一路前进。随着岁月变迁,一个变成心爱的心口朱砂痣,一个变成 昨日的窗前明月光。

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