Thursday, September 16, 2010

Treasure Life – All Lives

珍惜生命, 所有生命
2007-10-02 03:20

Life? It's very strange!

Some people, because of some unknown fears, gave up on life!
Some people, just so they could continue to see, to breathe, fight for life!

One lives, one dies? Who can control? Yet who can prevent?

Some people, because of youthful recklessness, created life!
Some people, because of regretful mistakes, injured life!

Life? Who decides? To give or to take?

So long as one still has a breath left, live life to the fullest, savor it!
When life is at its end, close the eyes in remembrance, go in peace!
Everything but everything is the will of Heaven!

Wish to stay, wish to leave? Don’t ask, don’t fret. It’s all what will be will be.
Perhaps, those who wish to leave shouldn’t! Wish to stay, then let them stay!
This, perhaps is life, predestined, but more so, it’s fate!

We should not exploit, or be exploited! 

Like walking, the road is right in front of us.
To continue? To stop? It’s all in our hands!
To face life may be tough, but to flee from life is tougher still!

Why bother? Go, taste the nectar from the hardships!
Why do it? Go, experience the gains from the risks !

To have the courage to face life, more than anything else, makes it more meaningful!
*This essay is dedicated to the people of Myanmar (Burma), and to the people around me and myself.

A few days after Steven posted his first piece on life, the media broke the news on his abnormal heart palpitation. The fans, upon reading the news flocked onto his blog to comfort him. The piece below is his response to his fans’ concern on his state of mind and health. 


Treasure Life--sequel  

2007-10-05 02:23

Thank you everyone for your response!

Why do I like to ponder on life?
Isn’t it tiring? Or boring?
Why ask why?

Negative? Pessimistic? – Not at all!
To ponder life, to question life, is depressing? gloomy? helpless? troubled?
Not at all!

It is: courage, to confront, to open up, and to be positive!
This, to me, is my way of treasuring, a kind of attitude!

Up to now, my encounters with birth, old age, illness and death, may not be numerous, 

yet, they are not few. 

Everytime, when I witness new life, I’m inspired!
Everytime, when an elder talks of the past, I listen attentively!
Everytime, when friends and relatives suffer illness, I feel helpless!
Everytime, when a life comes to a natural end, I'm resigned!
But all these do not change my attitude.

Life experiences make people stronger, more resilient! So, what is there to fear?
What is to fear are: apathy and indifference!
Why not: treasure, value, explore, and seek!
And strive together!

Source: steven ma yahoo

Translator: Tamaya

----- more--- in Chinese

珍惜生命, 所有生命



有人, 為了不知所以的恐懼, 放棄生命!

有人, 為了多看一眼, 多吸一口氣, 拼死求存!

一存一亡? 誰可控? 又有誰可阻?

有人,因為年少放任, 製造生命!

有人,因為悔不當初, 殘害生命!

生命? 誰來定? 來定去留?

一息尚存?儘管放眼看, 張口吸!

油盡燈枯?儘管閉眼念, 忘懷行!

一切一切, 自有天意!

要走要留? 不問不愁。要的, 是随缘!

也許, 想走的不該走! 要留的?就讓他留!

這, 或許是命, 也是定, 更是缘!

我們不該奪, 更不該被奪! 就如跑步, 路! 就在前面!


面對人生或許難, 閉目嘗逃更是艱!

何苦? 就去嘗嘗苦中甘! 何必? 就去受受險中得!

勇敢面對, 比任何事情, 來得要有意思!

*這文章, 送给身在緬甸的每一個人, 也送给身邊的每一個人......和自己!

************************* 珍惜生命 - 續篇

2007年10月5日上午2:23公開累積瀏覽 2 306


為何我總愛探討生命? 人生?



消極?悲觀? 一點都沒有!

探討生命,向生命提問, 是灰?是暗?是無奈?是不安?


有的, 是勇氣, 是面對, 也開懷, 也正面!

這, 在我而言, 是珍惜的一種表現, 一種態度!

活到今天, 我看過的生老病死, 也許不多, 也算不少!

每次, 看新生命的出現, 我振奮!

每次, 聽長者細說當年, 我聆聽!

每次, 聞親友患病形憐, 我無奈!

每次, 遇生命無疾而終, 我嘆惜!

但, 這些這些, 從沒動搖我!

经歴, 使人更堅強, 更茁壯! 那, 又何懼之有?

只怕, 輕言冷看, 抽身不聞!

不如, 惜之,重之,探之, 究之!


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