Saturday, October 16, 2010

Steven's Girlfriend

excerpt of a 2006 tabloid report
Vivian Hui Wai Ling's 许慧玲 credential
In a different report, Vivian is said to have a western education, not sure if it also includes secondary schooling.

Vivian after graduating from an Australian university went on to study Hotel Management in Switzerland, specializing in food and beverages. Besides Chinese and English she is also fluent in German, French, and Italian. 10 years ago, she opened Gin Gallery in Causeway Bay, and became the agent for 20 odd Italian fine wines. Her business is also a wine distributor to several 5 stars hotel restaurants such as those in Grand Hyatt Hotel, Intercontinental Hotel, and the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. She is also one of Hong Kong few female sommeliers. Beside Hong Kong market, her other business objective is to penetrate the Macao wine market, consequently opening a fancy Portuguese style restaurant “Mel on the Bend” on 于民国大马路 (road name). Her family, also in business, has a conservative estimate net worth of about 30 million. (HK$?). Vivian’s father (Mr. Shi xx) owns 4 companies, mainly in trade. Beside Gin Gallery, a red wine business managed by Vivian, the other operations include the 4 units in Star House office complex in Causeway Bay, a total estimated investment of 5 million (HK$??) Furthermore, Mr. Xu also has his hand in real estate investment, and his property’s worth is estimated well over 23 million (HK$?). In true, he is an obscure business tycoon.

reposted from post 1705 

Posted 13 August 2009 - 07:08 PM
Tamaya: In 2006, when I first read Vivian's impressive credential, I was truly shocked by it. Incredibly so. Not because she speaks several languages (probably fluency exaggerated by media) or that she is western educated but that Steven would pick a girlfriend who is so. From my previous read up on Steven, who admitted to be a Chew Chao dai lam yan (chauvinistic man), I thought Steven for sure would pick a gf who was more of a demure and traditional Chinese girl -- Very into Chinese history and Chinese literatures and poems like himself. He seems to shun the more assertive, highly intellectual and strong career woman. (per his People interview with Anna) Someone more like his homemaker mom. But Vivian totally does not fit my image of a possible girlfriend for Steven. So at the time, I dismissed the report as baseless rumor.

Akazukin: Some western-educated women can remain very traditional chinese, especially if she was born into a very traditional chinese family or her personality was born to suit the traditional chinese better. Besides, Australia is a very multi-cultural country, people with the same root tend to flock together. Actually, it's not totally out of logic why Steven would choose someone with Vivian's education background than a demure and traditional Chinese girl she commented as a good wife (as in those who say yes to the husband all the time). Steven is someone who likes to converse about philosophy, and if his wife is to say yes all the time, without understanding even half of what he said, how would he feel happy? I know a lot of chinese girls (definitely not all) who are mostly concerned about spending money on materialistic items and deem any talk of philosophy as 'boring', which is why he is deemed 'boring' as few reporters/interviewers right? Well, not only chinese girls but so are western, so it's more of a personality matter than a culture matter, I would think. I believe Vivian is likely to be a person who can understand, comprehend and have enough interest in talking about philosophy with him, while still manage to appreciate that in chinese culture, women are supposed to be supporting their men from behind (this does not always disentitle them from pursuing their own career). Moreover, they have a common interest in wine. Steven maybe a traditional Chiu Chow man but not without the influence of western spread himself.

But despite all that, who can give set requirements for someone he/she will fall in love to in the future? A lot of time, when people fall in love, the people they fall for is so far from their imagined ideal partner.

Tamaya: You have a point there, well, many points there. Just that I had this image (an erroneous one I know now) of how his gf would be like from listening to his 'People' interview. But like you say, Vivian can be very traditional Chinese despite being western-educated. 

Strawberry67: Vivian may be western educated but perhaps she was brought up by a traditional Chinese family therefore her thinking could be pretty traditional. Wonder if Steven felt any pressure being with a girl with quite strong financial background.

Tamaya: Hi, Strawberry67, yeah, you and Akazukin are both right. My bad. 

马: (笑)香港小姐可以。中华小姐可以。我想我自己是一个想东西很中国的人,所以如果太西化的思想和我不会合得来。语言始终都不是一个大的障碍,我觉得思想才 是一个障碍。你的思想是,每一日都是吃汉堡包,吃炸鱼是一个必然,但对我来说可能我就不可以。可能我是一定要吃中国菜,和我吃饭的朋友都知道,我首选一定 是中国菜,第二可能是日本菜,我不喜欢吃牛排,我不喜欢去法国餐厅,意大利餐厅~~

see related thread: girlfriend
related material: steven as good husband discussion
related material:  contract renewal seesaw

-- pix;  Chinese news article----

This is the news report that first broke Steven and Vivian's dating.
      日前,有人目睹身穿情侣衫的马浚伟和女友Vivian从下榻的台湾假日大饭店(环亚台北)Sunworld Dynasty (Former Holiday Inn Asiaworld, Taipei),甚有默契地一前一后步出。在候车期间,Vivian抵受不住西北风,用双手包实自己,而马浚伟则怜惜地望着女友,但碍于身在公众场合,不能过于亲昵,只能致电催促司机到达。二人一上车,即解下防线,不断交头接耳,直至进入他们台北豪宅区的朋友家。他们逗留了约一小时,便往君悦酒店吃饭。一到公众场合,二人即表现拘谨,并挑选了餐厅最隐蔽的位置坐下来。
    年约30岁的Vivian(许慧玲),曾于澳洲留学,又在瑞士修读酒店管理,专攻食品及品酒,并精通德文、法文、意大利文等语言。10多年前已在尖沙咀开设Gin Gallery,现代理超过20个意大利酒庄的酒,并批发给君悦、洲际、丽嘉及半岛等五星酒店内的高级餐厅。她更是香港少有的女试酒师。除香港外,她的业务亦开拓至澳门,于民国大马路开设了格调高雅的葡式餐厅Mel on the Bend。而其家庭也从商,身家保守估计约3000万。Vivian的父亲许兆恒拥有四间公司,主要从事贸易生意,其中Vivian负责打理Gin Gallery Ltd的红酒生意,其位于尖沙咀星光行中层的办公室,连续四个相连单位,全属其父所有,投资额共约值500万。而且许父对房地产投资亦有一手,共拥物业总值约近2300万,属隐形富商。

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