Friday, July 22, 2011

weibo 7/22 happy so long viewers enjoy series

7/ 22  22:28 Still the same words, so long you all enjoy Sentinel, that's all that matters!  Nevertheless, still want to thank the reporter for his appreciation! Thank you! 还是哪句話,大家喜欢"紫禁驚雷"就夠了!不過也要謝谢雜誌筆者的讚賞!多謝!

[忽然一周vol.834]《紫禁驚雷》也文也武 馬浚偉為視帝鋪路
Suddenly 1st week vol.834: Sentinel - skilled in literary and martial arts - paving the road to TV king - Steven Ma   

The only worthwhile sentence in the article to be translated is this: Undoubtedly, Steven's good looks in ancient drama series can rival that of Adam Cheng of the past, hence even Adam has commented that Steven has taken over his ancient drama series specialty thus his rice bowl . "不過無可否認,馬浚偉做古裝劇真係可以媲美當年嘅鄭少秋 o架,所以連鄭少秋都話馬仔搶咗佢做古裝嘅專利同飯碗。"

Rehashing old news about tvb paving the road to tv king for Steven letting him hosts 2 programs and Ms. Lok inviting him to her dinner and airing this series in prime timeslot etc, so not going to waste my time translating this drivel.  Just look at the pretty pictures.  Guess like his fans, Steven is also numb about all these talks about tv king.  Steven fans are fed up at seeing these two  words 视帝(tv king) popping up in connection to Steven's name.  I bet Steven must feel the same too plus the feeling of helplessness. 

Honestly I myself have no anticipation of Steven winning the best actor award since he most probably will not renew his contract next July. 

related material: Adam Cheng teases SM for taking his rice bowl
original magscan credit jump00 @ ka;  reposted in

Steven Ma portrays Nip Dor Bo, newcomer to the Imperial Guards camp, he notices the interpersonal intrigues, backstabbing and infighting pervasive in the palace. The only way to protect oneself is to know how to play the game.  (tn: just like the politics in tvb)

Cheuk Ji Ying (Selena Li) portrays as anti Qing loyalist to Ming dynasty, Cheuk Shu Tong's (Cheung Kwok Kueng) adopted daughter.  Initially carrying out Cheuk's order as spy to pass on information to him, Ji Ying deliberately gets close to Dor Bo as spy, but ended up falling for him.

Fuk Chuen on the surface is keeping a low profile deliberately concealing his strength and biding his time but that did not totally hoodwink Hao Zhong.

Dor Bo's father (Kwok Fung) and mother, (Helen Ma) are the proprietors of the city's Always Full Restaurant. 

Man Yun (Elaine Yiu) and Fuk Chuen are childhood sweethearts, unfortunately, Hao Chong arranges Man Yun as Hong Hei's (Power Chan) concubine.  But because his enduring feelings for Many Yun evoke Kwai Lun's (Natalie Tong) jealousy.

《紫禁驚雷》也文也武 馬浚偉為視帝鋪路 2011年07月22日

林保怡、馬德鐘離巢北上搵人仔,無綫小生買少見 少,連早前埋怨公司安排劇集播出時間不當,逼住做炮灰嘅馬浚偉都放聲氣,話年底約滿無綫後都唔續約。這一嚇果然奏效,為咗留人, TVB拿拿臨做出安撫動作,先係搵佢主持《大廚出馬 2》,之後又安排佢孭飛嘅新劇《紫禁驚雷》喺下星期( 25號)接《團圓》播出。呢個直頭係黃金時間,擺明幫馬浚偉鋪路做視帝。

喺《紫》入面嘅馬浚偉飾演武功高強,亦係太極高手兼博學多才嘅御前帶刀侍衛聶多寶,完全食正馬浚偉戲路。角色為佢度身訂造,播映時間又食正 timing爭視帝,睇怕 chok峯今年想做視帝,先要過到馬仔呢隻黑馬嗰關先有得傾咯。卓紫凝(李詩韻飾)為反清義士卓樹棠(張國強飾)養女。初期聽從卓樹棠之令為探聽宮中情報而接近聶多寶。最後卻生出情愫。


不過無可否認,馬浚偉做古裝劇真係可以媲美當年嘅鄭少秋 o架,所以連鄭少秋都話馬仔搶咗佢做古裝嘅專利同飯碗。 今次馬仔喺《紫》劇入面飾演嘅聶多寶,係文武全才嘅御前三品侍衛。佢一心為民請命,本來效命於裕親王福全(馬國明飾),兩人喺宮中建立咗一份深厚嘅手足情,而福全更推薦多寶出任三弟康熙皇帝(陳國邦飾)嘅近身侍衛。本來多寶滿腔熱誠,隨後卻發現宮內原來波譎雲詭,人人勾心鬥角,甚至發現福全係包藏禍心,圖謀驚世陰謀,甚至連自己嘅愛人卓紫凝(李詩韻飾)亦捲入後宮權力鬥爭。多寶覺得圍繞身邊嘅人時敵時友,撲朔迷離,喺無人可信之下,惟有孤軍上陣,展開連場暗戰。


  1. Tamaya, do you know the reason for which Steven will not renew his contract next July? Has he already had some kinds of plans?

  2. Steven has not said he will not renew his contract on July but considering his lackluster career development in TVB, most fans do not expect him to renew it. He would not have renewed his contract with tvb last time if not for Stephen Chan's backing.

    If he has any future plans he has not shared with his fans.

  3. Thank you for your reply!
