Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Steven broke up with girlfriend of 8 years

hi好酷 新闻】 2012 1/11 Steven and girlfriend Vivian (许慧玲) dated for 8 years. Their plan to marry last year did not pan out instead it ended up as a break-up.  Last night Steven revealed that he had broken up with girlfriend of 8 years for a year now.  Two days ago (1/8) Steven attended a new Avon 22nd anniversary function. During the event he was surrounded by fans especially children. Steven thought the kids were really cute said it's about time for him to get one for himself, too.

However, when this reporter asked Steven when he is going to get married, he suddenly became evasive in his response. After persistent questioning, Steven finally tacitly acknowledged that he had broken up with his girlfriend of many years for a year now.  Steven and Vivian's fate started from red wine. Vivian is involved in a red wine business and this wealthy girlfriend of Steven's had been kept confidential all along, until two years ago when Vivian appeared at one of Steven's series promotional events. It was then his girlfriend was officially made public.
As to their breakup decision Steven refused to reveal the reason for it. He just wanted to make their breakup known.  It is unknown if breakup was due to their marriage being delayed time and again?  "No need to go into details, want to keep some privacy. (Why wait until a year later to reveal?) To protect the former girlfriend. (But now) she may date another man. I worry that she might be photographed by someone and then be gossiped upon. That's why I revealed it now."

He said: "The lunar new year is upon us so here's wishing everybody happiness in the new year.  (Is he in a new love relationship?) At this time, I' don't want to talk about my love life. I just want to concentrate on my work."

When asked if his early contract termination issue with TVB has been resolved, Steven said that they are still working on resolving it, and that his original thinking has not changed. He will certainly inform the public when it has been resolved.

sources: Hi好酷 news馬仔宣布甩拖戀有錢女友8年婚變分@明报

 I guess it is true then that Steven has broken up with his ex-girlfriend.  I feel really sad for Steven and Vivian. 7-8 years is a long time.

*From the video, the kids did not kiss Steven.  Instead they were quite shy, it was Steven who took the initiative to hug them, no kissing exchanged.  Reporters tend to exaggerate everything.  This report said "silent tacit acknowledgment", other reports said "Steven admitted".  So exactly what did Steven say? Who knows.

Haiz! First news report of the year, and it had to be this bad news. But fans are all taking this piece of news with a grain of salt,  until Steven confirms it. 

related article: 2011 10/27  report on his birthday
When asked when is he going to get married? Steven played dumb and said: “I drank too much last night, still not sober yet!” When pressed, he answered evasively that anyway he is already a big boy, so whether work or personal matters, he has plans for them.

related material: steven as good husband discussion
related material:  contract renewal seesaw
related article: Steven's girlfriend

馬浚偉前日為晚會擔任表演嘉賓時被可愛小朋友「圍攻」獻吻,他竟說:「見你哋咁得意,都係時候要整 番個!」其「恨仔宣言」令人好奇其感情生活,他卻驚爆與拍拖多年的女友已分手!昨日他再親口向本報證實已於一年前分手,但未肯透露分手原因:「詳情唔想多 作解釋,想保留番啲私隱。(點解一年後先公布?)要保障番前女友,咁佢都會識第二個男仔,我怕佢畀人影到又會畀人講啲咩,所以先選擇講出嚟。」他強調現時 未有女友,與舊愛亦鮮有聯絡。


中港-天空香港娛樂: 馬浚偉前日為晚會擔任表演嘉賓時驚爆與拍拖多年的女友已分手!昨日他再親口證實已於一年前分手,但未肯透露分手原因:「詳情唔想多作解釋,想保留番啲私隱。要保障番前女友,咁佢都會識第二個男仔,我怕佢畀人影到又會畀人講啲咩,所以先選擇講出嚟。」

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