![[偷笑] [偷笑]](http://img.t.sinajs.cn/t35/style/images/common/face/ext/normal/19/heia_org.gif)
5/28 8:53 Good morning, yesterday when engaging in some action scene, my eye accidentally got hit. Waking up today indeed it had swollen up and quite painful too. So today can't do the daytime scenes. Hopefully will be able to resume my scenes tonight. Director, fellow actors and crew and staff members, truly am sorry for the inconveniences caused. Sorry!
Poor Steven got hit in the eye (left) yesterday when doing his action scene. Good thing it wasn't the right eye again that got hurt. His fans were there when Steven got hit on the eye but he downplayed the incident then only putting eye drops to take over the stint on the eye and continued to work and between scenes chat to his visiting fans as if nothing happened. Guess overnight the eye swelled up and pain got worse hence having to reschedule his daytime scene because of an unsightly bruised eye.
related news: link
more --in Chinese--
早上好 昨天拍動作戲不小心打到眼睛 起床後果然腫起來 也挺痛的 所以今天白天的戲實在拍不來 希望夜戲能繼續 導演 演員和劇組的同事們 實在不好意思 讓你們添煩了 抱歉
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