Friday, January 30, 2015

2015 news: Steven opens new IStudy branch

Two years ago Steven and his sisters opened a tuition center, I-Study Learning Center, in the Tai Wai district in New Territories, and to accommodate it growing numbers of 400 over students and 20 teachers, they opened a branch in Fotan. On January 24 2015 Steven as the chancellor officiated the ribbon cutting ceremony of the branch grand opening. The Fotan building space is much bigger than the main center so can accommodate more students, who are mostly from international schools.  While his older sister, younger sister (Fiona) and niece run and manage the center, as the chancellor, Steven takes upon himself to market the center. The center has plans to open branches in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other mainland cities, as its goal is to penetrate the mainland market itself.

Note: Congratulations and best wishes to Steven!
Spot Steven's family members (father, sisters and niece) in above pix and here.

明報周刋2412期 scan 
TYY Eastweek magscan 
magscan pix source steven fb
source1 source2 source3; source4 
2013 related materials: Steven Ma Ascended to 'Principal' Status; SM as principal
related weibo posts: 2015-01-31 12:122015-01-31 19:00

--- Chinese ------

開辦教學中心 馬浚偉做校監
香港文匯報訊 一直將教育家當是人生目標的馬浚偉(馬仔),近年與家人合資開辦教學中心,亦有意把業務推至全中國。 兩年前因馬仔的妹妹覓到一份既具趣味性又帶創意的教材,令她萌起開補習學校之念頭。見此計劃極具教育意義,一家人決定合資開辦「」教學中心,於新界大圍區開了第一間補習學校。隨業務發展迅速,學生人數不斷遞升,如今已有20位老師,400多位學生,原校舍不敷應用,故校董會決定在火炭區再多開一間分校,校舍面積比母校大很多,可以容納更多學生。



  1. Yes, I guess i spotted his dad, sister, younger sister and niece. They all in some way look alike.
