News: 马浚伟欲参加真人秀体验生活最快年底回TVB拍剧 ; pix
In gist, Steven says he will film a movie in May. (tn: Seriously, the date of this elusive movie production is ever changing from 2 years ago to last year to March this year and now to May. I, for one, am not holding my breath waiting for May to come around only to have it once again changed to another date.) He is presently preparing a new music album. (tn: no release date mentioned) He will be in the US and Canada for his concerts in May and June, respectively. The earliest he can find time to film a TVB series will be at year end. When asked which TVB artists he would like to collaborate with - he mentions Susanna Kwan and Linda Chung. (tn:pls, not Linda or Tavia or even Fala-too many times already but then who else? Honestly, I've lost interest in TVB series. Couldn't care less whether Steven films a tvb series or not since it is gonna be the same old same old recycled scripts. I'd rather he join a high profile,high budget, well scripted mainland (eta:specifically ancient drama) tv production with good cast and good director.) Steven is asked about ATV's situation. Steven says he is concerned for the employees, many of whom are his friends and people he has worked with before. He hopes ATV can resolve its financial crisis as it involves jobs for a large populace and be viable to produce drama series in near future. (TN: Haiz! Such a pc, diplomatic answer. Why not said just give the license to HKTV company already ba. HKTV can create jobs for the ex-ATV employees and actually pay them their salaries. So far, I've watched 4 of HKTV series already and their quality is excellent, way above TVB's. ) Steven's company is in discussions with some mainland tv stations to have him participate in some variety shows, be it game show or reality show. But he draws the line at doing a show that include risky activities like bungee jumping or sky-diving.
eta 3/20/2015 news: 迈巴赫携手文华东方明星颁奖盛典首章 悦目之礼
March 28 2015 A mainland weekly magazine Style Week 精品生活's 2015 非凡大赏 awards ceremony. Steven apparently received this "非凡瞩目男艺人" (English transliteration: Extraordinary/ exceptional/ outstanding (非凡) - captivating/ attraction/ limelight (瞩目) male artist (男艺人) award. Not sure even what that award means, if it means anything at all besides its connotation that Steven still has commercial value. (Wonder what Bowie Lam got for his award?) In all, 17 awards were presented that night. Personally, I don't put much stock in most awards these days, or for that matter, polls either. With all due respect to the winners and recipients, awards nowadays, especially mainland's, are a dime a dozen and most are pretty meaningless to boot, much like the current TVB (pork) awards or Next media awards. So, sorry I just couldn't get myself excited over some gimmicky awards for some startup magazine in China, heck I couldn't even get excited over TVB awards. The only draw to these award events for me is when Steven participates because then I get to see him all dolled-up in his immaculate sponsored tux and stylish coiffure looking most dapper; a sight for sore eyes. Uploaded here are some of the better quality poised shots link1 link2 link3, and some of lesser-quality but well- captured of Steven's demeanor candid shots. link.
other artists included: singers: 黃綺珊、吳雨霏;movie queen: 影后陶紅、Actors: 林保怡、馬浚偉、林鵬、陳啟泰、詹瑞文、fashion designer: 蘭玉、artist: 家范勃
Anyway from above pix and fans' pix, Steven's jacket seems a size too small, too tight across the chest, buttoned up too high on the jacket inadvertently 'shortening' his torso, and that truncated peek of his white shirt above the cummerbund just looks plain weird. Overall, the whole proportion and cut of the jacket makes Steven's torso look short and amorphous, whereas a better fitted jacket would define the full length and shape of his body frame esp. his waist to give off a sleek look and his 'lengthened' waist would add 'height' to his whole appearance. (see bottom-most pix) And a thumb's down for whoever did his make-up. Just saying...!
Skimming the uploaded photos on weibo, gotta say there are some "appledaily" version of less-than-flattering photos out there. link Indeed, there is a technique to taking good, flattering photos of subject. Or maybe one should just censor out the unflattering photos of one's idol before uploading them publicly for all to see.
pre-award ceremony

Unlike his unflattering high-waisted tight jacket, see how the above plain form-fitting tunic streamlines and shapes Steven's torso, instantly accentuating his naturally long and lean, even muscular, form, and by doing so, add 'height' to his overall appearance? He looks 'beautiful' in it.

Based on the photo used in the above ad, I thought for sure Style Week was the magazine that did this 2013 photoshoot + write-up on Steven but it wasn't when I thought to affirm my assumption - turn out it was done by Boss Magazine instead, which has no affiliation to Style Week. I don't remember Steven ever doing an interview for Style Week Magazine at all.
credit pix source: rickykazaf fb, link1 link2 link3 link4, news;
credit sources as labeled.
Your opinion on his jacket was absolutely right. I thought his make up looked weird too. Don't really fancy this image at all. The make up here reminds me of the wedding mv he made with his buddies n Fala Chen as bride last year.
ReplyDeleteThe above is just my personal opinion. All other Steven's loyal fans who read it, please do not take offence.
ReplyDeleteirenee - high 5! Thought from the lack of response to my critique, sm fans had boycotted my blog. lol! Yep, just personal opinion, no offence intended.
ReplyDeleteHaha Tamaya. No worries. No SM fans I reckon would boycott you for your fair n true comments here. At least not me. High Five. Got constructive criticism then can have improvement ma.
ReplyDeleteTamaya and Irene - I am with you gals on this!
ReplyDeleteTamaya, your blog is great with honest opinions and most updated information. Thanks.
High 5! You're welcome!
DeleteHigh 5 ! KJ Shi.
DeletePersonally, I prefer the Hong Kong/TVB series compared to the Chinese production. Although the Chinese production & script maybe better but find the supporting casts, especially in modern dramas, a little "superficial".
ReplyDeleteSteven mentioned in the article that he had done 5 drama series with Linda Chung but I know of only 4 which are Daddy's Good Deeds, Ghost Writer, A Watchdog's tale and A journey called life. Do you know what is the other series ? As for leading actress, my preference would be Tavia - I think they have the best chemistry but sadly their dramas do not have happy ending unlike with Linda (all happy endings and having a daughter). I feel that Fala has better chemistry with him as a sister than a couple. Well, we can only wait for now ... haiz
Wonder when his music album will be release? Cherish 1 :& 2 were released in May/Jun, hopefully, 3 will be before his US/Canada concerts .
I should have clarified I meant mainland epic ancient or republican tv dramas 'cause I'm definitely not a fan of mainland modern dramas - be it movie or tv drama. I've watched less than 5 mainland modern movies (only enjoyed Finding Mr. Right). As for mainland tv series, just the previews and trailers already turned me off - so cheesy, lame, OTP melodramatic, and draggy. And the dubbing can be really bad too. But that was a few years back, so maybe things have changed for the better. As for TVB, their series are rapidly going downhill, if not struck bottom yet, just a matter of time. Even Kevin Cheng's comeback drama, Eye in the Sky, is a dud or so I read since I did not watch it. Steven definitely struck gold with Storm in a Cocoon script. That being said, I don't enjoy watching HK modern movies either. I definitely enjoy US movies and tv series more. But I did enjoy some of HKTV's series. Of Steven's 3 sisters, Tavia definitely has the acting chop. As for Linda, never felt that her acting was up to Steven's caliber. Steven-Linda's 1st collaboration was also Linda's first TVB series, hence Steven's biaseness towards her. Virtue of Harmony (2) episodes eps 365-373,390-413,436-443.
DeleteZero news on his 3rd music - This was first time he mentioned it publicly, so who knows if it is even going to be released this year since it is still in its preparation stage?
I personally like to see him pairing with Charmaine Sheh. IMO, they do have chemistry having acted in 2 series previously. Esp. 帝女花. The theme song they sang in this drama was nice too.
DeleteOh please for my sake don't collaborate with neither of the 3 sisters anymore. I have enough of Tavia Yeung. 她的暴光率太频密。好腻!